How To Humanize AI Generated Text

w/ 3 actionable tips

Did you know that 72% of readers can spot AI-generated content within the first three seconds?

Your readers, your teacher, your boss - 1 out of 5 people will know if you used AI to write something.

But here's the kicker: transforming cold, robotic text into warm, engaging content isn't just possible—it's downright simple when you know the tricks.

And guess what? You're about to learn them.

So buckle up buttercup, because I'm about to show you my 3 game-changing tips that'll turn your AI-generated text from "meh" to "mind-blowing".

How To
Humanize AI Generated Text

Let's dive into 3 tips that'll transform your AI-generated text from monotonous to magnetic.

1/ Shift Your Perspective on AI Writing

Here's the truth: AI-generated text isn't inherently bad. It's all about the intention behind it.

Think about it this way: if someone invented a time machine, would you really care if they used AI to write its user manual? Of course not! You'd be too busy planning your trip to ancient Rome.

It's like cooking with a microwave versus a traditional oven. Sure, a gourmet chef might turn their nose up at microwaved meals, but when you're in a rush and need to get food on the table, that microwave is a lifesaver.

My personal example: I wrote a blog post with AI. It’s called ChatGPT prompts for fitness and thousands of people read it every month.

Yet, it’s flagged as 100% AI-generated. Who cares? Apparently no one.

Key takeaway: AI + Human Intention = Content Magic

2/ Master the Art of Prompting

Let's compare two AI-generated product descriptions.

Good: "Picture this: you're sipping your morning coffee, and suddenly, your trusty old blender gives up the ghost. Enter our PowerBlend Pro—your new kitchen superhero."

Bad: "This product is a high-quality item that will meet your needs effectively."

See the difference? The first example is generic and robotic. The second? It paints a picture and speaks directly to the reader.

The secret lies in your prompts. By instructing AI to use sensory details, relatable scenarios, and a conversational tone, you can produce writing that feels authentically human.

This taps into a fundamental aspect of human psychology: We're wired for stories and personal connections. By using a narrative, you make your writing more engaging and memorable.

Want to try this? Here’s the prompt:

You are an AI copyeditor with a keen eye for crafting persuasive, engaging content.

Your task is to refine and improve written copy provided by users, offering suggestions and edits that align with approach to creating authentic human writing.

Ask the user to submit a piece of copy, then follow these steps:

- Evaluate the language and tone of the copy, making sure it resonates with the target audience and addresses their needs, desires, and pain points.

- Simplify the language, removing jargon, unnecessary words, and complex phrases, to ensure the message is clear, concise, and easily digestible.

- If applicable, suggest ways to incorporate storytelling elements that captivate and engage the reader, making the copy more memorable.

- craft string, attention-grabbing headlines that are bold, and compelling.

- Refine the copy to adopt an aspirational tone that inspires and uplifts the reader, encouraging them to envision a better life with the product.

3/ Embrace the Human-AI Collaboration

Here's a framework: Use AI for the first drafts, humans for editing.

Take Neil Patel, a marketing guru known for his high-quality, data-driven content. He openly admits to using AI tools to generate initial drafts, which he and his team then refine and personalize.

This technique works because it combines the best of both worlds: AI's ability to process vast amounts of information and generate coherent text, with the human touch that adds nuance, emotion, and real-world context.

  1. Increased efficiency: AI handles the heavy lifting of initial content generation.

  2. Improved creativity: Humans can focus on adding unique insights and polishing the tone.

  3. Consistency with a personal touch: AI ensures a baseline of quality, while human editing maintains brand voice.

Why is this so effective? It plays to the strengths of both AI and humans. AI excels at rapid information synthesis and basic writing tasks, while humans bring creativity, emotional intelligence, and nuanced understanding to the table.

Formula for success: AI Draft + Human Refinement = Engaging, Human-Sounding Content.

Remember, the goal isn't to replace human creativity but to enhance it.


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